Saturday, July 4, 2009

Why do we need to free ourselves from addictions? Our bodies and minds are designed magnificently. We are very sensitive and can experience a
fantastic variety of sensations, emotions and feelings. We are also a part of Nature, which
continuously provides unforgettable stimulation to our natural senses. Our talents, sensitivity
and emotional awareness have been developed in the evolutionary process, which took tens or
perhaps hundreds of lifetimes. Our consciousness has also a multitude of natural possibilities, which
seem to be ignored by some people, such as the ability of astral travel or telepathic communication
at great distances. It is a common knowledge that our physical bodies eventually die and disintegrate completely.
However, there is no such evidence at all regarding our consciousness. On the contrary, emerging evidence suggests that our consciousness continues to exist from lifetime to lifetime, despite the
fact that we are given different “egos” – like blank spots in our consciousness to fill in during a
particular lifetime. Each lifetime is an individually chosen and tailored lesson, with its own goals
and challenges. People who were clinically dead and survived report in great detail that they remained fully conscious
and saw their own physical bodies from a distance. (For dozens of examples see the book by
R.A.Moody MD, PhD). Most people on Earth experience spontaneous “out of body” experiences at
some stage of their lives. In our dreams and Astral travel we can transport our consciousness to other locations, without taking our physical bodies there at all. Secret military agencies in several countries
have used “remote viewing” for at least 50 years to gather information.This is all possible because our consciousness exists separately from the physical body. According
to The Book our consciousness is embedded in our electronic Astral body – a very delicate instrument,
as everything electronic. The electrons in our Astral body are practically indestructible and they have a lifespan of about ten billion trillions (1e22) years, which approaches the lifetime of the Universe
(it is quite a while). However, the information stored in our electronic Astral body can become
damaged as a result of our mistakes. True Dangers of drugs There are mainly two things that can seriously damage the information stored in our astral body
and hence hurt us for many lifetimes to come: drugs and a loud noise. Both can actually significantly reverse the Universal process of our conscious evolution. Let me explain why.They can destroy or even erase important information already stored in our consciousness and
replace it with false data. Such re-programming of consciousness may take us many lifetimes to
correct. The extent of the damage depends on how long a person has been subject to these harmful influences.I have held long and exhausting discussions with people who used hallucinogenic drugs. Nearly all
of them were impressed by “visions”, “trips” or “hallucinations” and argued that drugs help them to increase their awareness. Actually, nothing can be further from the truth than such a statement. The ability of Astral travel is a natural ability and every child can do it. There is absolutely no need to use drugs. All you need is to learn meditation, concentration and practice them everyday.Imagine getting a University degree in engineering or medicine for watching ads and scrambled
fantasy movies on TV. This is what drugs do: entertain you. You will need to re-learn everything
from the beginning if you ever need to USE the knowledge, erased by false and distorted information generated with drugs. There are no shortcuts in the spiritual and conscious evolution. This is the
Law of the Universe.Many people ask me for the “evidence”. Consider this: every civilisation on Earth, which used
drugs collapsed to nothing within a few generations. For example, in ancient Egypt 17,000 years
ago people constructed a Great Pyramid from @50 tonne solid stone blocks. The Great Pyramid is comparable in height to the highest 20-th century buildings (146 m), and even today is positively impossible to build anything similar, using any amount of money and time. But when their
descendants started using drugs, not only did they lose all their knowledge and all their sciences,
but no one actually remembers what the Great Pyramid was for. Today “scientists” can only wonder.
The entire civilisation decayed to nothing.If you use drugs, you risk being re-born in your next lifetime as a cripple, retarded or both, simply because there might be not enough information in your consciousness (your subconscious mind) to
build your new body properly.“The Universal Law is well established and is as strictly enforced as that which controls the planets revolutions around their suns. If you make a mistake, you pay the penalty – immediately, in ten
years time, or in ten centuries time, but all errors must be paid for.” The Universal learning occurs because everyone has to face the consequences of his/her own
mistakes. That way we learn what is a mistake and ultimately learn how to live a life. What if we
won’t? I guess that those of us who are absolutely stubborn and do not want to learn will get
destroyed and re-cycled, as everything in Nature.Dangers of noise High intensity noise such as discos, or prolonged annoying noise (such as traffic) distorts the communication with our "Higher Self" or our Higher Consciousness, which is our direct connection
to the Source of our own consciousness. As a result, our "Higher Self" not only receives distorted information, but information already stored there may be also distorted. Since it is our Higher Consciousness which stores all we have learnt during all our lifetimes, resulting “parasite”
information may take many lifetimes to correct.According to the information of Thaora, "if people could see the damage to their Astral bodies
and consciousness caused by loud discos, they would escape from any disco quicker than if the
place was on fire".People frequently ask me if wearing ear plugs reduces the danger. Ears are natural sensors and
they are designed to warn us with unpleasant sensations if we are at danger. Wearing earplugs
at discos is much like taking anaesthetic and plunging into a boiling water – you are going to hurt yourself a lot, but you choose to muffle natural sensations and ignore the danger.Many people have been subjected to loud noise as a part of their teenage life. What can be done
to heal any damage that has occurred? The first thing to do is to stop any further damage, by
avoiding noise. Concentrating on spiritual self development, aspects of which are described in here, seems to be the most logical choice to repair the damage. Developing natural skills such as
astral travel, telepathic communication, seeing Auras, practicing meditation and concentration
is a direction back to Nature.Have you noticed that our “music” becomes more and more primitive but much louder instead?
It seems that our “artists” replace the beauty and skill with the power of their amplifiers. It is
sad. Some people, when asked about noise reply “what noise?” This is precisely where the greatest danger exists: losing our natural sensitivity.How to free yourself from addictions Most people do not realise that they are addicted to anything. For example if you eat meat,
especially poultry, most likely you are addicted to steroids and other growth enhancing
hormones, which are used to “enhance the production of meat”. When you cannot refuse
yourself eating meat, it is likely that you need your “shot” of steroids and possibly other drugs too. Multitude of artificial flavors and food additives are designed to keep us coming for more so that the manufacturer of a particular product makes more money. As a result, we gradually lose our natural sensitivity and need stronger and stronger stimulation from spices and flavors. This strategy
eventually fails to satisfy us at all and as a result we eat too much of too many things.
Overeating creates tremendous overload for our metabolic processes. Our minds become sluggish
too, simply because a lot of resources of our mind are needed to assist in the overload.We develop addictions, because we gradually train the mind as well as every cell in our body to
expect a certain shock, or a specific ingredient that causes our body to produce various chemicals
(such as endorphins for example). To free ourselves from addictions need to erase the conscious
as well as cellular memory aiming to restore the natural order in our body to the best state possible.This process is actually quite easy. I have re-discovered this ancient technique in 1994 and it enabled
me to cure myself from so-called“incurable” disease in @4 days. I wrote a book about it, because
it took me about 3 hours every time I tried to explain what I did and WHY. Since then I found that
my method is 100% effective for eliminating all addictions.Young people who freed themselves from drugs using the information from my book told me:
“If I haven’t tried it myself, I would never believed it was so easy…“ They were moved to tear
they have been addicted to certain foods…In essence the method is based on the complete detoxification of the physical body as well as
a purification of the mind (meditation), so that our natural sensitivity is restored. Doing only
one of them well may be 10 times LESS effective than doing both. Can a toxic (poisoned) body
and a confused mind function properly?The method of physical detoxification is completely natural, no drugs whatsoever. It is based
on pure water. It uses and enhances natural detoxification mechanisms our body uses everyday.
What is the quickest and most thorough method of detoxification? It is fasting.Important warning: never, ever attempt any fasting without thoroughly cleaning your
intestines first by doing a thorough enema. Why? You have trained your body over the years to
expect nutrients in your intestines. When you suddenly stop eating tomorrow, your body will absorb
into your bloodstream whatever you have in your intestines – but this is pure shit! You will surely
poison yourself and feel sick too. You have to start fasting with clean intestines and clean them
every time you experience any discomfort during fasting. By keeping your intestines clean you
maximize your body natural detoxification capacity and awaken its healing powers. Another key requirement is to drink a lot of pure water during fasting.Fasting is surprisingly easy if you do the above things right. The most difficult is actually coming
out of the fast, which has to be very slow and gradual. If you subject your body to a “food shock”
after fasting, your body will not believe you the next time you fast, because it will expect a food
shock at the end. If you are serious, you should study the method in “The Joy of Perfect Health”.May we invite you to join the Drug FREE Society. The aim of DFS is to help people to free themselves
from drugs and promote a drug free lifestyle, entertainment, education as well as
spiritual development. Help yourself and help others to help themselves.
Staying and Living
Story of a housewife
Sahana unlocked the door and went into house. She looked around with a tired and bored expression, put down the carry-bag on the dining table and slumped on the
sofa. She wiped her face with the end of the dupatta, closed her eyes and tilted her head on the sofa backrest. Feeling drained, after the busy early morning hours, she felt lonely, though she had a handsome loving husband and a cute little daughter.
Every morning, Sahana would be the first to wake-up. She would then prepare two cups of tea and take one to the still sleeping Hari. After pushing and calling him several times he would sit up with sleepy eyes and leisurely take the cup. Sahana would not wait. She had to warm up a couple of dishes for Hari and
prepare Sucji’s Tiffin box. She would then arrange breakfast and finish her cup of tea and two biscuits and go to the bedroom. She would then wake up Sucji, help her to brush her teeth and bathe her in hot water. Sahana’s mom would help her wear her school uniform, put on her shoes and comb her hair neatly. Sucji’s water bottle, schoolbooks and Tiffin box. Sucji was only four years old and in the kindergarten. Breakfast over, Hari would depart for office leaving Sucji’s to watch her favourite channel Cartoon Network till it was time to leave for school. Meantime, Sahana would change dress, switch off the TV , lock the front door and go downstairs with Sucji. The school was not far. Holding her hand ,Sucji would trudge along.
On her way back, Sahana would purchase vegetables and a few necessities from the local shops. That was her daily routine. On weekends, if Hari was in the mood, they would go out for movie or for dinner. Just an occasional deviation from daily routine.
She woke up and looked at the clock. Meena, the housemaid would be in after another hour. She would first clear all the housework and then call Sahana to the kitchen. Meena was a dutiful young girl.
For Sahana , life was dull an stereotyped. There was no variation. There was nothing different from the day before. It was boring. Like millions of other housewives, she longed for attention, not just as a wife or a mother, but also for her own sake. Something that would make her feel special , but then, that never happened.
She glanced at the clock and went into bedroom. She folded Hari’s pyjamas, her own and Sucji’s nightdresses. She cleaned the bedroom neatly. Then she looked around, made sure that everything was in order and went to the kitchen. Sahana prepared a large mug of hot bru coffee and walked to her balcony .Her heart beat faster, she was mildly excited with secret expectation.
It happened last week. Her inner desire to be appreciated as a pretty young woman was partly fulfilled. To her it was only innocent fun and she did not consider it anything wrong. In her heart of hearts, she remained the faithful, loving and caring mother. She considered nothing immoral in indulging in some harmless fun without any serious consequences. After all she was and would remain the sincere wife and mother.
The building on other side of the road had come up recently and occupants of the opposite apartment in the fourth floor had moved in about a week back. There were only three young persons and no female member. Nothing unusual about that. Many young people lived together. Its was all right as long as they behaved decently.
They slept on bed sheets spread over straw mats on the floor. There was no visible arrangement for cooking too. They would have bread for breakfast and lunch and dinner they would go out together, probably to some nearby eating-place. Sahana had never seen them going out to work. They were probably employed in some Call Center working night shifts.
They all appeared to be less than thirty. The oldest was of medium height and fat. She noticed that he seldom spoke . The second fellow was tall , with muscular long limbs. Most of the time they would be sitting together cross legged on mats and seriously discussing something. For reasons unknown Sahana did not like others. However, she found the third young man quite attractive. He was tall and fair with a mat of trimmed beard and thick dark brown hair.
Holding the cup between her palms, she put her elbows on the railing and looked down to the busy road. There were vehicles and people. She pretended to watch them, but then sensing some movement in the balcony opposite, she looked up. And as expected there was the handsome young man, with smiling eyes.
He wore a pair of off-white shorts and a blue sleeveless vest. Sahana could see his hairy legs, muscular arms with well-formed biceps and the broad chest. To Sahana, he appeared to be gentle and kind, despite his strong macho structure.
Though on the first impulse she wanted to ignore, him Sahana could not help smiling
back. Eyes twinkling, he gave an acknowledging nod. She felt her knees weaken and strange slow churning in her belly. Her pulse rate shot up and her face flushed.
The doorbell rang. Sahana gave a smiling glance at the young man and gestured that someone was at the door. He understood, smiled back, and went to his room.
It was Meena. She went to the kitchen and started her chores. Sahana lazily surfed through the TV channels for a few minutes and then went to the kitchen to prepare some lunch. Meena finished her work and left. Sahana glanced at the clock. It was almost noontime to bring Sucji back from school.
For a few months after marriage Sahana used to be excited in Hari’s company. Now even after five years of marriage, she would accept the same excitement in bed. But on most nights he would turn the other side and within minutes, starts snoring. For a long time, Sahana would toss from side to side. They loved each other very much. But somehow, daily life had become a dull routine with no excitement and surprise.
That night was different. Sucji slept and Sahana was restless. She whispered to Hari to come to the divan in the drawing room. Hari was surprised. She rarely took the initiative. Then as usual, for some time they held each other close and hugged. Sahana has prepared a candle light dinner. Hari was surprised and hugged her again. He was very happy.
That was when she had this fantasy. She suddenly imagined that it was the young man from the opposite apartment, hugging her. Then Hari lightly kissed her cheek, she returned to reality. She than knew that it was Hari who held her. Image of the young man faded. She felt guilty and at the same time, she felt a tender love for Hari. Embracing, she lightly kissed him. Soon, they fell asleep in each other arms after they had a wonderful dinner.
It was little before dawn and still dark. There was a great commotion on the road below. Both Hari and Sahana woke up suddenly and looked at each other , puzzled.
“What is the noise about?” Sahana asked.
“No idea. Let me find out.” Hurriedly Hari got up and went to the balcony.
Now Sahana could hear the sound of vehicles on the road. Someone was giving instructions over a loudspeaker. There were sounds of heavy boots and people shouting.
Sahana rushed to the balcony and stood beside Hari. There were some police jeeps and special vans flashing red and blue lights. One officer with a hand held loudspeaker instructed the armed policemen to surround the apartment building opposite. He also ordered the commandos with automatics, to go up to fourth floor and take guard . Powerful spotlights on the top of the police van were then switched on and beamed on the fourth floor apartment opposite.
Lights were on in all apartments and people crowded in the balconies. People below were silently watching the operation. On an order from the officer, they moved backward and stood at a safe distance. Armed policemen stood guard in front forming a cordon.
Apprehending something, Sahana asked Hari, in a shaky voice “What happened?” “I do not know exactly, but it seems the police got definite information that some dangerous extremists have holed up in that apartment.”
Sahana turned pale and she felt as though she was going to faint. She clutched his arm and asked in feeble voice,
“What is going to happen now?” Her body was shaking.
“Who can say? Let us see. Don’t be afraid. We have nothing to do with them.” Hari put one arm around and held her tight.
Meantime the officer shouted into the loudspeaker, “We know who you are. We have surrounded the building and blocked all escaped routes. I advise you to surrender immediately. Can you hear me ?”
There was no response. The apartment was dark and silent.
The officer repeated the same thing twice and when there was no response he shouted.
Then to those standing in balconies in the opposite building. “You all go inside. Please do not stand there.”
They all rushed in and shut the doors. He looked at his watch and started counting time. After three minutes of agonizing wait, he ordered,
The door of the fourth floor apartment crashed with a bang. Then came the sound of heavy boots and exchange shots. There were two chilling cries followed by total silence for the next few moments.
Sahana held Hari tightly and buried her face on his chest. She was shivering. There were two dying cries. What happened to the third?
Suddenly the balcony door burst open and the young man with beard rushed out with a coil of
thick nylon rope, rapidly tied one end to the railing and holding an automatic pistol in one hand, started sliding down . Immediately, the commands also ran to the balcony and aimed their guns at him. The officer below ordered not to shoot . Probably he wanted to catch the young man alive. He ordered the policemen on the ground to stand around the rope and catch him, before he touched the ground.
The bearded young man was sliding down the rope. He gripped the rope in one hand with legs entwined around. In other hand he held the pistol and shouted that he would shoot anyone come near him and try to catch him. He slid down very fast like a professional performer.
“Well trained.” Hari commented.
Sahana clutching watched the young man with frightened eyes. Silently she prayed,
“Oh my God, please let him escape. His parents, brothers and sisters are probably all waiting for him to return home. They maybe innocent people and do not know what is happening here at this moment. God please let him not meet a tragic end, at such young age. Please, please!”
He was then just about fifteen feet from the ground. Policemen rushed to the dangling rope. The young man pointed his pistol at them and shouted,
“I warn you again not to try catch me. Get away.”
The policemen did not move. The young man just aimed and fired a shot at them.
It hit one policemen in the shoulder and he fell down bleeding. He fired two more shots. One missed and the other hit another one in the arm. The police tried to grab him when he was almost touching the ground. But when he started shooting randomly, injuring two more, they were ordered to shoot. The bullet hit him directly in the chest and he fell with a thud, blood soaking his blue vest.
His eyes were still open and to Sahana, he seemed to be looking at her. He smiled feebly and with a sigh closed the eyes. His head tilted to one side. Sahana let out a shriek and clutching Hari buried her face on his chest.
It was not dark anymore. The eastern sky was now glowing red, waiting for the sun to rise. In the bedroom Sucji was still sleeping.
The ambulance arrived with sirens and a red light on the top. Hurriedly they left with
The wounded and dead. Police and press photographers were busy taking photos. Next the TV people appeared on the scene and started to record what was happening there .Then came the forensic and investigation experts, who interviewed some people and went up to the fourth apartment.
Police guards were posted at the entrance and no one , including residents was allowed to go out or come without a check. Few curios onlookers still hung around.
Hari held Sahana tenderly and said, “Let us go in, there is nothing much to see now.” He felt sorry for her. Poor girl. She had never witnessed such violence. It was horrible. It was a good thing that Sucji was sleeping. Slowly he closed the balcony door.
Sahana looked pale and dazed. She silently sat on the sofa for sometime and then went to the washbasin and thoroughly washed her face, and slowly sipped the other. She felt a bit better right now.
She told Hari to bathe and get ready for the office. Hari looked at her for sometime, and then asked a bit hesitantly, “Are you alright? What a horrible scene you have seen this morning. If you want , I can stay home today to accompany you.”
“No, no. I am perfectly all right. I shall go out with Sucji now. Then Meena will come. Then I shall cook and go and get Sucji. Don’t worry. You need not miss office just for me.
She glanced at the wall clock. It was the time to go to the kitchen, prepare some food, and pack Hari’s lunch and Sucji’s Tiffin box, wake Sucji up, bathe her and change her dress and help her with her shoes and school bag and lay the breakfast table, take Sucji to school and return back alone. Then, she would once again make her daily cup of hot coffee and sit alone, watching TV. Sahana would not go to the balcony from today.
She knew that whatever little diversion she had for the past few days was now gone forever and would never return. It would be the same routine tomorrow, and then the day after, then the next, and the next. She did not know for how long.